Survey Notification

Survey Notification

Learn how to set up survey notifications to increase customer engagement with Fynzo Survey. Get timely survey notification to stay informed about survey responses. Learn setting the survey notification in these easy steps:

Open Survey Notification

Click on 'Notification' after opening your survey.

Add Notification

Once in Survey Notifications, click 'Add Notification' by using either of these buttons.

Name Your Notification

Enter a name for your notification in the 'Name' field.

Set Survey Notification

To receive notification whenever a response is submitted, simply enter your email address for where you want notifications to be sent, then click 'submit'.

Set Conditional Survey Notification

Use the 'When' field to set events for particular questions for triggering notifications. Add more events with the '+Add' button.

Select Question

Choose the question for which you want to set up the notification from the dropdown. It gives you an option to customize survey notification for a particular question.

Set Criteria

Specify when you want notifications to activate. For example, choose to receive notifications when a question receives a rating of less than (<) 3 stars out of 5.

Finalize Command

Enter a number corresponding to your criteria for instance, rating threshold for your notification (e.g., 'Less than 3 stars out of 5'). Click 'Submit' to finalize your command and set up the survey notification.

Add Multiple Survey Notifications

Create multiple survey notifications for as many questions you want by clicking '+Add' Button.

Add Email Accounts

Include email accounts to receive notifications. Use '+Add' for multiple accounts. Click 'Submit' when finished.

Edit the Survey Notification

To edit the survey notification, simply click on the 'Edit' icon located below, as demonstrated.

Complete the Edits

Do the edits you want to make in your survey notification and click 'submit'.

Delete the Survey Notification

To delete the survey notification, simply click on the 'Delete' icon located below, as demonstrated.

Confirm Deletion

Confirm deletion by clicking 'Yes'.

Wrapping Up

You've mastered survey notifications! Set up, modify, or remove alerts effortlessly for a seamless survey experience. Now, stay updated on your survey responses by configuring survey notifications.

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