If you want to show your survey to the respondent in multiple langauges ,this article will be helpful to you. With Fynzo Survey, you can do survey in multiple languages. Create survey in one language (Default language) and translate it to multiple additional languages. When respondents view the survey, they can select and view the survey in additional languages, aside from the default language. You can manually translate to additional languages or you can use our auto-translate feature which will translate into your additional languages in just one click. You can review your translation and edit any part of translation.
First let's understand what is default language, additional language and what are their importance.
Default Language : The default language is the one in which you input questions during creation. It's the language in which the survey is initially displayed to respondents when they open it. So the language in which you create the survey will be shown by default to respondents when they open the survey.
Additional Languages : We can add additional languages. We can translate into additional languages manually or using auto-translate feature. When respondents view the survey, they can select and view the survey in additional languages as well, aside from the default language.
Lets see how we can achieve all this.
Open your survey and click on 'Language' Button on the left side of the panel.

Open 'Language Settings'
Click on the 'Language Settings' as shown.
Change Default Language
The system assumes that you are creating the survey in English by default. If you plan to create the survey in another language (e.g., Hindi) and make it multilingual (eg., by adding English as an additional language), you should change the default language to Hindi.
If you choose Hindi as your default language, it will appear first in the language selection dropdown on the survey page. Refer to the image below for clarification.

Choose Hindi from the drop-down and click Submit. Now hindi is your default langauge.
Add Additional Languages
To add additional languages in the same survey, click 'Additional Languages,' and toggle on the desired languages whihc you want to add, and click 'Submit' when finished.
Translate Question Text
As you add additional languages, your newly added languages question text are in default language text. You need to update the translation manually or use the auto-translate feature to convert the default language text to added language text.
Auto Translate Questions' Text
In case you a pro account, you need to click on "Questions" then click on any additional language that you added for example "Bengali". Now click on Auto-translate to Bengali button. All the questions of this survey will be auto-translated to Bengali.
The questions are now translated to Bengali. Not you need to translate the button texts and other labels into Bengali. Follow the below steps for the same.
Manually Translate Questions' text
In case you don't have a pro account, you need to click on "Questions" then click on any additional language that you added for example "Bengali". Now select a question and its text will appear on the right. Manually enter the translation and click on 'submit'. DO the same for all the questions in the survey.
Translate Buttons' Text and Error labels
There are buttons and errors and other labels in the survey. They also need to be translated to additional languages.
Auto-Translate Buttons' Text and Error labels
In case you a pro account, you need to click on "Button Texts" then click on any additional language that you added for example "Bengali". Now click on Auto-translate to Bengali button. All the buttons and errors and other labels of this survey will be auto-translated to Bengali.

Manually Translate Buttons' Text and Error labels
In case you don't have a pro account, you need to click on "Button Texts" then click on any additional language that you added for example "Bengali". Now enter the respective translation for all the button texts, error labels, and other information texts and click on 'submit'. All the texts are not saved in that language.

If you have added multiple additional languages, you need to repeat the translation steps for other languages as well.
Wrapping Up
By following these simple steps, you can effortlessly create multi-lingual surveys. This feature enhances participant engagement and ensures data accuracy by accommodating diverse respondent preferences. Take advantage of Fynzo Survey's multilingual survey feature to create inclusive surveys that yield comprehensive insights.