Add New Question to the Survey

Add New Question to the Survey

In this article, we'll learn how to add a new question to your survey step by step. We'll guide you through crafting and integrating questions to gather richer, more meaningful responses.

Click 'Add Question'

As the first step click on '+Add Question' on the top right of the panel.

Type Your Question

Type your question in the field as shown in the picture.

Select Question Type

Now select the question type in which you want your question to be.

Choice For Mandatory Question

If you want to make the question mandatory or required, you can toggle on the icon as shown in the picture below. Toggle off if you don't want to make the question mandatory to fill.

Click 'Submit'

After filling all the details of the question, simple click on 'Submit'. You can preview your question in the right hand side panel side by side.

Wrapping Up

This was all about how you can add a new question to a survey in easy steps. Start making your survey by adding question as per your Survey & Research Requirements!

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